Do you have a question about Milton Junior School or Milton Kindergarten?
Check to see if we have an answer for you here! If not, please use our contact form and we will get back to you as soon as we can. Thank you for your interest in Milton Junior School!
1. School Uniform - Why do you have a school uniform?
At Milton Junior School, we believe a uniform is an important part of our identity, promoting discipline and self-worth.
To read more, click here…
2. School uniform - where can I buy it and how much does it cost?
Uniform is only available to buy at Milton Junior School. We have two uniforms: School uniform and Physical Education uniform.
Prices available on application.
3. Transport - Is there a School bus?
Yes, we offer transport to and from MJS. We publish our bus schedule at the start of each term.
Each bus has a supervisor to ensure seatbelts are worn and children are on their best behaviour!
Prices available on application.
4. Food - Are school meals provided?
Yes, we provide lunch and an early morning/ afternoon snack. School meals are compulsory at Kindergarten but parents can opt in or out of school meals for older students. We publish our menu each term and special dietary requirements can be arranged.
Prices available on application.
5. How much are School fees?
Our School fees vary depending on Grade level.
Please use the contact form to tell us about your child’s needs and we will let you know the current costs per term.
Do you have a different question?
Use our contact form to ask for more information!