Our Future Partners Programme
Our Founder and Director Captain Tony Milton finally achieved his dream of a progressive, forward thinking education programme by opening Milton Junior School in July 2021. However, his ambition to provide the best education to his new students did not stop there!
During his years as a pilot in the safety-led, competitive world of Aviation, Captain Tony Milton has learnt that sharing information with others, learning from mistakes and identifying best practice are key stepping stones to success. He actively encourages the sharing of knowledge and so the Future Partners Programme was created.
Allan Wilson High School
By creating links with other schools both locally and further afield, we encourage discussion about best teaching practice which is beneficial to all. We also share ideas about extra-curricular activities as well as building a network for sporting competitions and cultural exchange.
We have established links with a number of schools including John Cowie Primary and Alan Wilson High School in Zimbabwe and Mapeera Primary School in Uganda. We look forward to expanding our programme, encouraging more schools to participate and sharing our knowledge to provide a better education for everyone. We hope you will follow our journey!
If you would like more information on our Future Partners Programme, please contact us. We are always ready to talk about a better, shared future!