Milton Junior School girl holing goat

What is an Away Day

An Away Day is an opportunity to take our students out of the classroom and open their eyes to the world around them. We encourage them to apply what they have learnt in the classroom to the things that they can see, hear, touch and smell and what better place to do this than our very own Milton Farm!

Milton Junior School girl holding baby goat 2

What is Biodiversity

Biodiversity is the collective name for all the different types of life you can find in one area - from animals to plants and even bacteria! It shows how everything in nature works together to maintain balance and support life.

Milton Kindergarten girl holding baby goat
Milton Kindergarten students digging

Activities at Milton Farm

We have a lot of baby animals that our students are always keen to meet. We use this opportunity to teach about animal care - we show them that each animal needs to be cared for with a place to sleep, access to food and water and to be kept safe from predators. We show them how the insects, plants and trees work together to provide food, shelter and shade from the hot sun.

We also gave our little ones the opportunity to plant trees as part of a wider tree planting programme at Milton Junior School. Our students helped clear the ground ready for planting and we were able to demonstrate the care and attention needed to help a new plant grow.

How does this benefit my child?

We want our students to understand that they each have an important role to play in building a better, more sustainable future. The ability to plant a tree, to watch it grow and to see the change in its environment is invaluable to their understanding of the world around them. Learning how to care for animals and how important farm animals are to the food-chain and our general wellbeing instills compassion and understanding. We always enjoy our Away Days to Milton Farm and we look forward to many more.