Milton Junior School Crest

Milton Junior School Anti-Bullying Fact Sheet

Our 5 Key Principals

  1. We have ZERO TOLERANCE for bullying

    Anyone reporting a bullying incident, be they student, parent or teacher, will be treated with respect and dignity. All complaints will be taken seriously and investigated immediately. Swift action will be taken in line with Milton Junior School Anti-bullying Policy.

  2. We LISTEN

    We listen to our students, parents and teachers to ensure we have the correct strategies and approaches in place to prevent, report and respond to incidents of bullying.

  3. We are INCLUSIVE

    All students are treated equally as valued members of Milton Junior School and are actively encouraged to participate fully in all aspects of school life.

  4. We are RESPECTFUL

    Our teachers and other school staff act as role models to our students, setting the best example of how to be respectful to each other in our everyday interactions.

  5. We celebrate DIVERSITY

    Our students are encouraged to embrace cultural differences and to be curious about the world around them. Differences are viewed as an opportunity to learn and exchange information, not viewed as a barrier or reason for exclusion. We encourage our students to be curious, open-minded individuals.

If you would like to know more information about our Anti-bullying Policy,

please contact us.

If you would like to report an incidence or suspected incidence of bullying,

please contact us immediately on 86 98 04 010 // 84 23 90 339.