Milton Junior School Crest

Milton Junior School Rules and Regulations

Academic Year 2024



1.         The Internal Rules and Regulations of Milton Junior School define the rights and duties of each member of the School community. They include:

a.    The duty of showing tolerance towards others, in their physical integrity and their freedom of conscience, while respecting their property and work.

b.    The neutrality of Milton Junior School which is a guarantee of equality and respect for each other’s identity.

c.    The obligation for each student to participate in all educational activities organised by Milton Junior School and to perform any task arising from it.

d.    Respect for and care of Milton Junior School equipment and facilities.

e.    The commitment to condone violence or physical/moral aggression.

f.     The commitment to avoid fraud in any form.

2.         By registering at Milton Junior School, all students acquire the right to:

a.    undertake his/her schooling in a framework of mutual trust and respect.

b.    have full access to the courses assigned in his/her section.

c.    use the equipment necessary for his/her learning.

3.         Students are expected to:

a.    follow the instructions of the Administration, teachers and other staff.

b.    respect people and property.

c.    conform to the rules of using shared spaces.

4.         All School staff are expected to:

a.    ensure the highest quality of studies for the success and graduation of the greatest number of students.

b.    develop the human, moral and intellectual qualities of students entrusted to them.

c.    promote civic spirit and a sense of community where rules are understood and respected.

5.         The Milton Junior School Internal Rules and Regulations are adopted by the School Council and are applicable to all. Registration at Milton Junior School is an immediate acceptance of these Rules.

Annual re-registration at Milton Junior School is submitted to the Principal for approval.


6.         Children born between January 1st and December 31st of the year in which they turn 2 years of age, may be admitted to the Kindergarten ECD A. Admission is subject to availability. For all other classes, the Principal will assess the educational level of candidates for admission by appropriate means (a school report and/or a level assessment). Students are admitted to the requested class dependent upon available places and subject to the payment of Registrations fees. Registration fees are non-refundable and correspond to contributions to the Milton Junior School Development Fund.

7.         Enrollment at Milton Junior School is an act of commitment and respect to the Milton Junior School Internal Rules and Regulations.

8.         Schooling from Early Childhood Development (ECD) to Grade 6 is organised over three pedagogical cycles:

a.    The Early Learning Cycle: Kindergarten ECD A and ECD B.

b.    The Fundamental Learning Cycle: Primary School Grades 1-3.

c.    The Consolidation Cycle: Primary School Grades 4-6.

9.         The objectives of each cycle are defined by the Common Core Standards of the Cambridge Curriculum. The promotion of a student from one level or cycle to another is determined by the Cycle Council and is the responsibility of Milton Junior School Principal.


10.       Once enrolled in Kindergarten or Primary at Milton Junior School, a child’s attendance becomes mandatory. Registration at Milton Junior School implies a commitment to regular attendance. In the absence of regular attendance, the child will be removed from the list of registered students by the Principal. Parents will be held responsible for the lack of compulsory education of their child.

11.       Attendance is recorded in a daily register by the teacher. Any absence must be communicated to the School Administration without delay.

All activities conducted within the classroom during school hours are mandatory and cannot be subject to any exemption except by medical certificate. This certificate must specify the duration of the exemption. Optional outings (performed outside school hours) are subject to prior approval by parents.


12.                     Milton Junior School hours are as follows:     


Monday - Thursday (Friday end of School day 13:30)

  • Access to School - Open 06:30

  • Beginning of School day 07:30

  • Access to School  - Closed 07:30

  • End of School day 15:30


Monday - Thursday (Friday end of School day 13:30)

  • Access to School - Open 06:30

  • Reception in Classroom 06:30

  • Access to School  - Closed 07:40

  • End of School day 15:30

 13.       In order to not disturb the progress of the class, delays are not allowed.

14.       Students must leave Milton Junior School at the end of the school day. Only students who are enrolled in an official activity can stay on School premises where they are supervised by the activity leader.

15.       Students can only be collected by authorised adults. Milton Junior School reserves the right not to entrust a child to an unidentified person. Milton Junior School is not responsible for students who arrive before 6:30 am or who linger after 4:30 pm. Parents who come to pick up their children at the end of the school day are asked to be punctual and respect all schedules.

16.       Kindergarten students whose parents are late are gathered at 3:30 pm and accompanied under the supervision of a teacher to Reception. They are supervised until the arrival of a parent or authorised person.

Access to School premises

17.       Access to Milton Junior School is forbidden to anyone outside the Milton Junior School community. To enter the School, parents must adhere to the following guidelines:

a.    Kindergarten. The use of a Personal Identification badge/Parent School ID is mandatory to access Milton Kindergarten. The check-in procedure is to be completed at the School gate. In the morning, the parent or an authorised person, may accompany the student to the School gate or the classroom for handover to the teacher.

b.    Primary School Grades 1-6.  At arrival and departure, parents or authorised persons are not to access School premises. They must wait in the allocated places. If parents wish to meet a teacher or the Administration, they must go through the Main Entrance to collect a ‘Visitor badge’ or present their ‘MJS Parent ID’. Parents must fill in the designated Visitors’ book and present themselves at Reception; the Receptionist will guide them to the desired service. This procedure also applies to appointments during the day.


18.       All students must be present during school hours. Students must comply with classroom rules: these are outlined at the beginning of each academic year. Students are not allowed to enter the classroom before 06:30 am. Students are expected to be punctual and attentive in class.

19.       Tardiness can only be exceptional and is subject to justification. Only when justification is validated by the Administration, will the student be admitted to class. In the case of repetitive tardiness, the parents will be notified and may be asked to meet with the School Principal.

20.       Any absence must be justified in writing.

21.       Occasional early departure may be requested in advance. When permitted, the parents or authorised person must identify themselves at the School Reception and only collect the student after authorisation by the School Principal.


22.       The duties of tolerance and respect for others and the rejection of all forms of discrimination are applicable to everyone at Milton Junior School.

23.       Milton Junior School ensures and promotes equality and mutual respect between sexes. Staff, students and family members are prohibited through their conduct, gestures or words to convey indifference or contempt towards a staff member, student or student’s family that could hurt an individual’s emotional welfare.

24.       Students and their families must refrain from any behavior, gestures or words that would undermine the function or credibility of any teacher and must pay due respect to their classmates and/or their families.

25.       Clean, well maintained uniform and courteous behavior are required by all students at all times.

26.       Students are responsible for their school bags and personal belongings; these are to be kept in good condition. Students should only bring items necessary for School activities. Books and other materials loaned by the School must be respected and will be replaced by the family in case of loss, theft or intentional damage.


27.       At Milton Junior School, it is strictly forbidden:

a.    for parents to offer gifts to Administrative and teaching staff with the intention of engendering favour towards their children. All presentations of gifts to staff are closely monitored.

b.    to enter Milton Junior School premises during school hours without prior authorisation.

c.    to take photographs in the classrooms without the Principal’s authorisation.

d.    to bring photographers onto School premises without prior authorisation of the Principal.

e.    to make any verbal or physical threats against another child or staff and teachers on School premises.

28.       The following items are prohibited:

a.    jewellery or valuables,

b.    cell phones,

c.    electronic games,

d.    all dangerous objects.

29.       In case of non-compliance of this rule, items will be confiscated by teachers or the Principal.

30.       All staff and students at Milton Junior School are prohibited from any act of advertisement or sale for their profit or that of another entity within the Milton Junior School boundary. Any activities of a private nature such as private lessons, sports or recreational activities and acts of commerce are prohibited. Staff must be unambiguous in their behaviour on any subject that may give rise to a conflict of interest. In case of doubt about the official nature of an activity (course, cultural outing, training and sports competitions, clubs), parents are invited to contact the School Principal.


31.       Safety and security on Milton Junior School premises is the responsibility of all members of the School community. Staff and students must adhere to the following:

a.    Fire prevention. It is prohibited for students to handle flammable materials or any objects that may cause a fire hazard.

b.    Accident prevention. Aggressive games, the use of dangerous objects (such as knives, compasses, lighters) and the handling of dangerous products are prohibited. 

c.    Kindergarten students must play exclusively in the Kindergarten playground.

            d.    Primary School students’ play areas are restricted to the terrace in front of the classrooms, the Assembly point and in the fields (when supervised by a teacher).

32.       Members of the School community must respect all types of property and equipment. Students are expected to keep recreational areas clean and respect the facilities available to them. No student may remain in, or return to, a classroom during breaks without permission. Supervision during recess is provided by teachers.

33.       Milton Junior School is not responsible for theft or loss of objects on Milton Junior School premises. Families are responsible for any and all material damage caused by their children.

34.       The Insurance underwritten by Milton Junior School covers the students against any accident which could occur inside School premises, or while taking part in external activities organised by Milton Junior School.  Insurance also covers students when using official Milton Junior School transport.

Any accident, even minor, must be reported without delay to the responsible adult on duty who will take appropriate action.

35.       Written authorisation, signed by the parents, is obligatory for any Milton Junior School extra-curricular trip.


36.       Physical Education is part of compulsory education. Students are required to attend this class wearing Milton Junior School PE uniform: a white T-shirt, maroon shorts and sports shoes. In winter, students wear the Milton Junior School tracksuit. Requests for a class exemption must be occasional and a letter of justification is required. For an extended exemption, a medical certificate is mandatory.


37.       A School canteen service is mandatory for all Kindergarten students and optional for Primary students.


38.       Milton Junior School Library is open to Primary School students. They may access the library to use or borrow books. They must not keep the books beyond the assigned deadlines. Any book not returned is to be refunded by the family at a fixed price of 4,000MTN, payable at the School Accounting office.


39.       The payment for Milton Junior School Transportation gives access to a School bus service. Users must comply with the scheduled times and stops. The Attendant, in addition to the driver, is responsible for supervision during the trips. Students must have a calm conduct and are expected to adhere to the following rules:

a.    Show respect to the bus equipment (knives and dangerous objects are strictly forbidden).

b.    Queue and remain calm when entering/exiting the bus.

c.    Sit for the duration of the trip.

d.    Fasten seat belts when fitted in the vehicle.

e.    Shouting, drinking, eating or chewing of gum is prohibited.

f.     Follow the Attendant’s instructions at all times.

40.       Any breach of these rules may result in the exclusion of the student from this service.


41.       Formal, non-educational relationships between parents and Milton Junior School are set through the Parents’ Committee. All educational questions are to be directed to the relevant teacher with or without the presence of the School Principal.

42.       Every parent of a Milton Junior School student must regularly attend the Parents’ Conference held at the end of each term. It is a forum for exchange and consultation on the overall education of each student. Discussions cover a range of areas from education to social, health and moral issues. It is prohibited for students and other children to be present during these meetings.

43.       Each class has a designated ‘Parent Delegate’ who is required to attend the meetings that precede the Parents’ Conference. This forum facilitates exchange of information between representative parents and Milton Junior School Administration to ensure that constructive and practical suggestions are adopted to improve the quality and further the development of  Milton Junior School.

44.       Any meeting with the teachers or the Principal must be by prior appointment. The Principal may propose to bring together an educational team to examine with the family any academic difficulties encountered by a student.

45.       Student progress reports are issued three times a year. They are signed by the School Principal and handed to parents or legal guardians at the end of each term.

Information on Milton Junior School cultural, social, sports, recreational and other programmes is communicated with the Principal's approval.

46.       Parents are informed of school life:

a.    via the official website

b.    by mail delivered to children (weekly signing of correspondence book).

c.    by notes posted on the School billboard.

d.    by SMS or via MJS Parents Whatsapp group.


47.       Photography and video is used to record activities at Milton Junior School. This is used for School publications and promotional material including the Milton Junior School website and social networks.

48.       School photography enables the School to:

a.    provide information about projects and activities.

b.    promote events and visits such as graduation/end-of-term ceremonies.

c.    motivate students and enhance their work by showcasing their achievements.

d.    maintain class photo memories of childhood friends and time spent at school.

49.       The School prohibits the use of any photo which could negatively impact the dignity of students, staff or parents.

50.       Unless otherwise specified in writing and in strict respect with the values mentioned above, it is considered that parents allow the School to use the photographic representation of their child. Parents retain the right at any time to request the withdrawal of a photo from social media channels or express their rejection of any future publication of a photo of their child.


51.       All members of the School community are invited to ensure that all facilities are maintained in the best conditions possible. Everyone must comply with the rules of hygiene, including personal hygiene.

52.        Vaccinations listed by the School are mandatory, unless duly justified by a medical advice.

53.     Parents are encouraged to inform the School Principal of any health condition that may affect a student or the student's academic performance.  An individualised intervention may be arranged to secure a proper schooling path.

54.       When a student is sent to the infirmary by a teacher, he/she will be accompanied by two designated students who will immediately rejoin their class. For students who undergo longer-term medical treatment whilst at Milton Junior School, parents are to inform the School in writing. Families must inform the School about contagious diseases including, but not limited to, rubella, tuberculosis, viral hepatitis, diphtheria, poliomyelitis and meningitis.

55.       For students who are ill or who have had an accident during the day, the School Principal or designated person will immediately notify the family. In the event that the family cannot be reached, the School will take all necessary actions to ensure the student’s welfare. This also applies to students participating in extracurricular activities, clubs, and field trips.


56.       Failure to pay any fees will result in the student being banned from the classroom.  

57.       School fees will not be refunded when departure of a student from the School has been initiated by the parent.

58.       In the case of transfer during the Year, 1/3 of the installment paid for the period is refunded to the parent.


59.       The teacher will assess if each student is working to the best of his/her abilities. In case of insufficient effort and application by the student, the teacher will decide on appropriate measures. The Board of Teachers will decide whether or not to record breaches of the School’s Internal Rules and Regulations in the school record of the student. Students should on every occasion show respect to teachers, staff and classmates.

60.       Any  breach  of  the  Milton Junior School Internal  Rules  and  Regulations  justifies  the  execution  of  a  disciplinary procedure or an appropriate sanction. The Council of Teachers, under the authority of the Principal, will decide the necessary measures to be taken.

The current Internal Rules and Regulations also apply to students enrolled in extracurricular activities, clubs, and outings of Milton Junior School.

The current Internal Rules and Regulations may be amended only after consultation with the School Council.