Milton Junior School is committed to the safest possible educational and school operating standards.

It is imperative that we have uninhibited reporting of all incidents and occurrences which compromise the safe conduct of our educational system. Every employee and student is responsible for communicating any information that may affect the integrity of our school safety. Such communication must be free of reprisal.

Milton Junior School will not take any disciplinary action against an employee or student who discloses an incident or occurrence involving school safety. This policy will not apply to any information received by Milton Junior School from a source other than an employee or student, or which involves an illegal act, or a deliberate or wilful disregard of the published Milton Junior School  Rules and Regulations.

School safety is every employee’s and student’s concern.

Our method of collecting, recording and disseminating information obtained from occurrence/incidence/school safety reports has been developed to protect to the extent permissible by law, the identity of any employee or student who provides school safety information.

I urge you all to use our School Safety Programme to help Milton Junior School become the leader in providing students and employees with the highest level of school safety.

Tony Milton, Founder and Director

Milton Junior School

Updated January 2023

Milton Junior School Non-Punitive (No Blame) Reporting Policy