School safety is one of Milton Junior School’s core operational functions. We are committed to developing, implementing, maintaining and constantly improving strategies and processes to ensure that all Milton Junior School activities take place under an appropriate allocation of organisational resources. We aim to achieve the highest level of safety performance in line with regulatory requirements in the delivery of our services.

Milton Junior School management, employees and students are accountable for delivering the highest level of safety performance, starting with the Accountable Manager/Director.

Milton Junior School is committed to:

  • supporting the management of school safety through the provision of appropriate resources that will result in an organisational culture that fosters safe practices, encourages effective safety reporting and communication and actively manages safety with the same attention as to the results of other management systems of organisation;

  • ensuring that the management of Milton Junior school safety is a primary responsibility of all managers, employees and students; 

  • clearly defining, for all managers, employees and students, their accountabilities and responsibilities for the delivery of Milton Junior School’s safety performance and the performance of Milton Junior School’s Safety Management system; 

  • establishing and operating hazard identification and risk management processes, including a hazard reporting system, to eliminate or mitigate the safety risks/consequences of hazards resulting from Milton Junior School operations or activities and to achieve continuous improvement in Milton Junior School safety performance; 

  • ensuring that no action is taken against any employee or student who discloses a safety concern through the Hazard Reporting system, unless such disclosure indicates, beyond any reasonable doubt, gross negligence or deliberate or willful disregard of regulations or procedures; 

  • complying with and, wherever possible exceeding, legislative and regulatory requirements and standards; 

  • ensuring that sufficient skilled and trained human resources and financial resources are available to implement Milton Junior School safety strategies and processes; 

  • ensuring that all staff and students are provided with adequate and appropriate school safety information and training, are competent in safety matters and are allocated only tasks commensurate with their skills; 

  • establishing and measuring Milton Junior School safety performance against realistic safety performance indicators and safety performance targets; 

  • continually improving Milton Junior School safety performance through continuous monitoring and measurement, regular review and adjustment of safety objectives and targets and diligent achievement of these;

  • ensuring that externally supplied systems and services to support Milton Junior School operations meet our safety performance standards. 
Ultimate responsibility for safety in the school rests with the Accountable Manager/Director. Responsibility for making Milton Junior School operations safer for everyone lies with each one of us - from managers to front-line employees and students. Each manager is responsible for implementing the safety management system in his or her area of responsibility, and will be held accountable to ensure that all reasonable steps are taken to prevent incidents and accidents. 


Tony Milton, Founder and Director

Milton Junior School

Updated January 2023

Milton Junior School Safety Policy - Commitment