Benefits of wearing Milton Junior School Uniform
At Milton Junior School, we believe wearing a uniform is hugely beneficial for our students. Not only does it make us immensely proud to see how smart they look, we know that wearing a school uniform develops self-worth, promotes discipline and creates a sense of belonging. Read on to find out more…
Wearing a Milton Junior School uniform…
Develops a sense of identity
School uniform is a great way to build a sense of community among students, staff and parents; it also makes us highly visible in our local community. Wearing uniforms enhances school pride, unity, and community spirit. Our students are proud to represent their school in public.
Creates a high standard and equality for all
By adopting an official school uniform, Milton Junior School has created a simple and standardised dress code. When children are allowed to wear casual clothing to school, parents are often faced with a long list of ‘dos and don’ts’ to ensure students are appropriately dressed for school. With a standardised uniform, we avoid complicated issues such as modesty, inappropriate symbols and distracting high fashion items. We believe it eases pressure on our staff, parents and students as our uniform rules are clear and equal for all.
Improves well-being
A school uniform teaches our students to dress smartly and take pride in their appearance. We firmly believe our school uniform plays a key role in promoting pride, self-confidence and a feeling of belonging amongst our students.
Improves behaviour in class
Research repeatedly shows that students in uniform are better behaved in class, with greater levels of concentration, than students in casual dress. School uniforms keep our students focused on their education, not on their clothes!
Studies have also shown that students who chose to remain in their uniform at home to complete homework, reported better levels of concentration and attention to detail. While non-uniform days at school may be exciting, research shows that students viewed them as ‘no-work’ days, and teachers reported a drop in behaviour standards as a result.
Prepares our students for the future
School uniforms prepare children for formal scenarios when we are expected to dress in a professional manner. Job interviews are a good example. Dressing professionally in working environments is expected in adulthood - this is something your child will understand thanks to a school uniform.