Our End of Year Refurbishment

Making the most of the end of year break to do some essential maintenance!

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It may be the school holidays for our students but the work doesn’t stop at Milton Junior School! We take advantage of the holiday periods to carry out refurbishment and expansion of our school buildings. Our aim is to make our school as comfortable and welcoming as possible and to create the most conducive atmosphere for learning.

In December 2022, we embarked on a number of ambitious improvements across all areas of our school. We noticed that some earlier improvements weren’t quite up to our high standards so we took on the huge task of replastering and repainting our classroom walls. We have also re-laid some floors both internally and externally to improve hygiene and safety for our students and staff.

One of the biggest tasks we have undertaken is to replace our windows. We are making our window frames bigger to allow more light and better airflow to our classrooms and also replacing the wooden frames with metal. This will ensure we have good ventilation in the summer but also better draught prevention in the cooler months.

Our increasing student numbers has also increased our need for bathroom and washing facilities so we have added more cubicles and re-tiled our existing facilities.

We have also been busy repainting the outside of our school buildings with bright colours and new signs. Our gardens have also been improved with extra plants. We want our students to feel relaxed and happy both in and out of the classroom so we will continue to do all we can to create a happy, welcoming environment in which they can thrive.

Our improvements continue throughout the school year so look out for more updates as our school continues to grow!


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