Tour of Chicamba Dam

Our first Away Day of 2023 was a trip to Chicamba Real Dam. Our grades 4-8 students took a tour of the hydro-electrical plant to see how electricity is produced for their local area. Check out our highlight video above!

Our students were lucky enough to access to the inner workings of the hydro-electrical plant. They learnt how the flow of water is managed between different areas of the plant to ensure that there is always a steady supply of electricity. They also saw some of the challenges in trying to predict the amount of electricity needed in the future and how this affects the day to day operations at the plant.

We believe that there is more to education that sitting in the classroom - this is another great example of how we encourage our students to apply their knowledge to the real world!

If would like more information, why not visit our Away Days page and read about our most recent Milton Junior School adventures!


Picking Pineapples!


Our End of Year Refurbishment