MJS Taekwondo Club

Taekwondo is…

… a self defense discipline of Korean origin. The name Taekwondo is made up of its essential elements:

TAE meaning kick

KWON meaning a punch or other blow with the hand or fist

DO meaning to do something in a certain manner

As with all ancient martial arts, grace, movement and discipline combine with the ability to defend oneself to form solid foundations that can be applied to all parts of life. Taekwondo offers a pathway to develop social and leadership skills through grading and competition, all in a disciplined, safe and quietly respectful environment.

Taekwondo warm up stretches at Milton Junior school

At Milton Junior School, we believe Taekwondo encompasses our Core values of Respect, Curiosity, Independence and Determination.

Respect: Key to the martial arts, for oneself, for others and for the art of Taekwondo.

Curiosity: We always encourage our students to be curious! As they progress in Taekwondo, they are taught the scientific and philosophical aspects of the sport, from the science behind how to generate power and speed to the philosophical belief that we should all strive to be the best we can be, not just in skill but in character. By being curious and learning aboout other cultures, our students become more self-aware and compassionate individuals.

Independence: Taekwondo has 2 elements - Grading which determines the ability/belt colour of each student and Competition where two opponents test their skills against each other. Taekwondo students learn the importance of independence early on, it is the individual who must perform in order to progress. Taking responsibility for one’s actions and having the confidence to stand alone are important skills for our future leaders!

Determination: Taekwondo requires practice, practice and more practice. Our students must be determined if they are to succeed! Our supportive network of instructors and more experienced students are always on hand to help but each student has to be willing to put in the hard work. Seeing the results when a new belt is awarded or our students are participating in a competitive event, make the hard work and effort worthwhile. We are really proud of Milton Junior School Taekwondo Club and we look forward to watching their progress!

If you would like more information on Milton Junior School Taekwondo Club, contact us anytime.

We are always happy to hear from you.


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